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013骞村凡璺ㄨ秺20涓 勾澶淬 傚叕鍙搁噸璇氫俊锛岄噸鏈嶅姟銆侀噸鎶 鏈 垱鏂帮紝鐢ㄦ埛閬嶅強骞夸笢鍏ㄧ渷锛屾秹鍙婂埌浼佷笟銆佹斂搴溿 佺數淇 侀摱琛岀瓑浼楀 琛屼笟锛屽 娆 崳鑾稩BM鍏 徃鎺堜簣鐨勫 鎴锋弧鎰忓 銆佹澃鍑虹粡钀ュ 銆佺珵浜夎儨鍑哄 銆佹渶浣冲悎浣滀紮浼村 銆傛槸骞夸笢IT鐣屾湁瀹炲姏鐨勪紒涓氥? 涓変竴闆嗗洟DMS绯荤粺涓 鏈熼 鍒 笂绾? 鍒涙亽杞 欢閮ㄦ帹鍑篍PCv1. 2002骞存壙鎺ヤ簡骞垮窞鏈 敯姹借溅鏈夐檺鍏 徃濮旀墭鐨勫ぇ鍨嬫苯杞 笓鍗栧簵绠 悊DMS锛圖ealer Management System锛夌郴缁熺殑寮 鍙戜笌杩炵画10骞寸殑鍔熻兘鍗囩骇涓庡紑鍙戞柊鐗堜换鍔 紝骞跺湪鍏ㄥ浗杩? 骞垮窞鏈 敯姣忓勾鍑犲崄涓囧彴姹借溅鐨勯攢鍞 换鍔 強鍑犵櫨涓囧彴鏈 敯姹借溅鐨勭綉涓婂敭鍚庣淮淇 鐞嗕笌闆堕儴浠朵緵搴斾换鍔? 甯 姪浼佷笟鏇村ソ鍦板紑灞曚骇鍝佺殑閿 鍞 笌鏈嶅姟宸ヤ綔銆? 纭 繚鑳芥湁鏁堟弧瓒抽 瀹 拰甯傚満鐨勯渶姹傘 佸悜椤惧 鍙婃椂鎻愪緵浼樿川浜у搧鍜岃秴鍊兼湇鍔 紝纭 繚浜у搧鍙婃湇鍔 揪鍒扮粡娴庛 佸悎鐞嗐 侀珮鏁堛? .
Schule, Studium, Aus- und Fortbildung. Kommission Historische Stätten der Chemie. Zeitschrift Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. Anekdoten rund um die GDCh.
Government Dental College and Hospital,Vijayawada. Govt Dental College and Hospital, Vijayawada was established in the year 1992 with 40 admissions for the academic year 1992 93 as University of Health Sciences Dental College at Vijayawada, A. university of Health Sciences, Andhra Pradesh with the permission of Dental Council of India and Govt.